Monday, May 11, 2015



This is a better shot of the first repeating rifle by Browning.  the "clip" slides in sideways from 5 to 25 shots.  Notice the hammer is on the bottom!
In the backyard of the Browning Shoppe, amongst the spring flowers, when they were digging up the foundation, they found a small grave that was one of the graves of the Browning children that died right after childbirth.  They reburied it and placed a fence around it.  Notice it is in direct line to the temple from the family home.
On to the Cultural Hall where we looked at the dance hall that was discovered when the building was purchased back from the owners and then renovated.  Oh, and I spent the rest of the afternoon working on a laptop for one of the lady guide Sisters that works there.  It just never seems to not find me no matter what I do...
Hey, remember that field of prairie grass that was burned just a few weeks ago?

It's about a foot tall now.  They will do another burning in August some time.  Can't wait!

So, we've learned a couple of things.  One is that you simply do not need all that stuff you are collecting!  If you don't need it, don't buy it!  If you aren't using it, give it to someone that can use it.  they'll get more use out of it.  We seem to be doing quite nicely without all that stuff we accumulated over all of our years of marriage and don't miss it.

Had a great talk with Elder Kevin yesterday.  He's 6 months into his mission!  Yeah!

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