Monday, June 20, 2016


Tonight's talent show was a lot of fun with a lot of missionary talent on display.  Plus we had Sundaes at the end.  Always good to have ice cream!

One of the first acts was a clever puppet show that made fun of our mission president.  Of course, he got up afterwards and said that he was surprised what he was saying was actually getting through!  One of the lines that was used was that we should spend at least as much money at the local grocery market as we do at the Nauvoo Fudge shop.  The room erupted into huge amounts of laughter!  
Sisters Waddel and Chapman sang pioneer songs.
Bro MacDonald played his bagpipes then sang a song for us.

One of the apartments did this freaky version of the chicken dance.  I'm not so sure I've seen/heard it done quite like that before.  Had a live chicken doing his thing.  Well, that was Elder Batten.  He is not going to live that down when he officiates again.
One elder played his harmonica and his guitar while singing.  He said he used to do this at a retirement home and if you were there you probably didn't remember it.

President and sister Hansen did the Jack in the Beanstalk skit and it was much appreciated.  We had watched it last year and it was just as good this year.  Probably better.  President Hansen asked me for a copy of it.  I'll hafta see if I can run one off for him as it's almost 100 MB all by itself and I'm not all that good of a videographer with my camera.  Plus the sound is kind of ugly with the little mic.  But, better than nothing.

We had a good time.  Now, I guess, I need to get some rest....

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