Monday, August 31, 2015


I finished a couple of books recently that I thought I would mention to those of you that read this blog.

If you really want to know more about Joseph Smith and his early years in Kirtland, Ohio and the beginnings of the church, this is an excellent book to begin with.  The author, Karl Ricks Anderson, came to Nauvoo and spoke to the missionaries at a fireside when we first got here.  He talked about Joseph and how he started the church.  This book has a lot of the details back with finite details.  There are literally hundreds of citations on the bottom of each page, some taking half a page with lots of interesting details.  One of the wonderful things about being back here is the emphasis on the Prophet since he walked these streets and lived here for several years after the Kirtland years.  I can guarantee that you will come away with a much deeper appreciation for the Prophet once you finish this book.  I know I certainly have.

You can probably order this through the LDS Bookstore near the temple at the  outlet stores.
Another book that is on the top of my list is this one, also by Anderson.  The Savior in Kirtland.  It details the Savior's role in the building of the temple and Joseph Smith's efforts in it also.  It has all of the details of the first book and is a fantastic read.

Arlene and I have just gotten approval to visit Kirtland area the end of September so we are making preparations for that 10 hour drive.  We will be going during Women's Conference weekend.  As an Assistant Engineer, my time is very limited to take any time off so this seemed like a good weekend to do it.  I managed to get everyone to OK it.  Hopefully, we can slide in the new Indiana temple that was just dedicated as we travel past it.

There is a story in the back of this book that I relayed to Kevin this morning in his weekly letter from us.  As you may or may not know, this temple belongs to the Community of Christ (formerly RLDS Church) so we visit, pay the fee and marvel at what used to be ours.  Maybe one day they will sell it back to us, hopefully.  The story goes:

“On November 6, 1993, Elder M. Russell Ballard stood in the elevated Melchizedek Priesthood pulpits of the Kirtland Temple to preside over an exceptional sacrament service.  About 180 Church leaders, including General Authorities, regional representatives, mission presidents, temple presidents, and stake presidents, attended.  These leaders and their wives had come together for an area training meeting.  In addition to Elder Ballard, General Authorities attending the meeting were Elder Cree-L Kofford, president of the North America North East Area; Yoshihiko Kikuchi, counselor to Elder Kofford; and Joe J. Christensen, Marlin K. Jensen, and Rex D. Pinegar.

The Lord poured out His spirit in this sacrament meeting in a never-to-be-forgotten way.  Many present likened it to what it must have been like at the Kirtland Temple dedication in 1836.  This was the first sacrament meeting in possibly 140 years that LDS Church leaders had been allowed to conduct in the Kirtland Temple.  (note: the temple is owned by the Community of Christ or the formerly Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  We don’t own it so this is a really significant meeting).  Elder Ballard and Elder Kofford blessed the sacrament.  Assisted by others, including all General Authorities present, they then passed it to the congregation.  People who were in the meeting have described the meeting as powerful, spiritual, not a dry eye, etc.

Al Walters, the representative of the Community of Christ who was present, said, “It was obvious that everyone was experiencing a great out pouring of the spirit.”  Elder Ballard said, “Deep spiritual feelings were felt by everyone.”  Elder Kofford added,  “It was a tremendous spiritual experience.”  Elder Pinegar stated that they were so strongly affected that “we were almost unable to speak or sing, although that opportunity was afforded us.”  Elder Kukuchi remembered, “We [the General Authorities] sat, possibly, right beneath the spot where the Savior appeared to Joseph and Oliver.”

Al reported his crowning spiritual experience.  Before the meeting, he had strongly objected to LDS Church leaders being given permission to administer and partake of the sacrament in the temple.  His objection was based on the fact that the Community of Christ was a “closed communion” church (meaning that nonmembers were not offered the sacrament during services.)  He told his church leaders, “The LDS have temples of their own.  Let them go to one of their temples to partake of the sacrament.  Why do they come to our temple?”  Community of Christ leaders had given formal permission, so they asked Al to support their decision.  They also assigned him to attend the meeting.

As the meeting progressed, Al felt a dark cloud come over him.  He even became physically ill.  As the meeting progressed, the dark felling intensified.  It reached the point that his head and heart were pounding so hard that he felt he might be having a heart attack.  At that point, Elder Kikuchi stood to speak.

Al felt the Spirit come over him.  An audible voice that only he heard made three statements:  “Alan, this is not your temple; this is mine.  These are also my Saints.  This is an acceptable use of this sacred space!”  Walters called this experience a “spiritual spanking” and felt that the Savior had spoken to him directly.  He then humbled himself and shared with the rest the wonderful spirit of the occasion.  Later Al said the Savior had completely changed his attitude.”

What a remarkable experience!  After 140 years, a sacrament meeting in our first completed temple.  It must have been a remarkable experience for all of those present.  

This last book is one we got at a small group Family Home Evening a couple of weeks ago.  Brother Craig R. Dunn is a local Chiropractor (and a good one at that) and a historian.  He specializes in Joseph Smith and a lot of other church history.  He is really good at what he does.  Exceptional is more like it.  He is amazing to listen to.  This book is out of print and hard to come by and the printer is out of business also.  Tough to find and hard to come by.  However, the info is pretty accurate and details the end of times.  In the book he lists what must happen before the end of times.  It includes the following:

(1) The Elders/Missionaries will all be called home from teaching the Gentiles in preparation to teaching the Jews (the Lord gives up on teaching the Gentiles, I guess)
(2) All of the world governments fail
(3) Build the City of Zion in Independence, Missouri 
(4) Return of the Lost Tribes
(5) The Council at Adam-ondi-Ahman, in Missouri

He said they could happen in pretty rapid succession.  I guess it's something to look forward to.  I'm hoping we get home from our mission before these things start to unfold anyway.  Probably won't happen in the next couple of years but looking at the field of choices for the next presidential elections, I'm not so sure.

Here's the book:

Quite a read with a lot of interesting information.  You might find it a bit scary.  No idea when this will be unfolding but some serious food for thought.  You won't hear this stuff in 3rd hour meetings on Sunday...

I'm working on a new book about the way the Book of Mormon was translated.  It's an offshoot of the Joseph Smith Papers project.  If you are not currently looking at that site, you are missing a lot of spectacular information.  We just got the first book.  It's pretty pricey but the 1st 50 pages is the introduction for the series.  Just the intro is the 1st 50 pages!  It's all online at  You really need to be looking at this site if you are even remotely interested in church history.  Go for it...

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