Friday, September 16, 2016

090816_Palmyra Visitor's Center/Hill Cumorah

We started the day out at the Hill Cumorah Visitor's Center in Palmyra.   

Entrance to the Visitor's Center.  This early in the morning the sun is right behind everything so I need to stand off to one side or I can't get the right picture.
We had a few minutes with the "Christus" statue and our tour guide to reflect on Christ' teachings in our life.
An interesting approach to Joseph Smith in the Sacred Grove and his 1st encounter with Heavenly Father.
A nice display throughout the center.
This is an actual copy of a 1st edition of the Book of Mormon.  Visiting several church history sites, we were able to see a very limited number of copies of 1st editions.  Supposedly, only about 300 copies, out of 5,000 original copies, are left in existence today.    
Walking from the parking lot at the top of Hill Cumorah towards the Moroni statue at the top of the hill.  
This is a shot from the top of Hill Cumorah looking down towards where the audience sits during the Hill Cumorah Pageant is performed.  It is quite a ways down the hill.
The base of the Moroni monument has several reliefs on it.  This is just one of 4.



The front of the statue.  Unfortunately, it was early in the morning and the sun was behind the statue so it's a bit dark.  Sorry about that.  
We really enjoyed visiting the first site in Palmyra.  So much history here.

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